About IT-Contracts

Who we are

IT-Contracts.nl is online since August 2000 and is dedicated to the Dutch IT contracting market. We are completely independent and offer candidates a choice from numerous contracting jobs. Our goal has always been and still is to make it as easy as possible for candidates to find a new contract. We offer the biggest collection of IT contracting jobs for candidates to respond to online. November 16th 2014 we launched IT-Contracts.be to service the Belgian market.

Quality over quantity

IT-Contracts does not want to be the biggest jobboard ever. We specialise in contracting jobs for IT candidates. All jobs can be trusted to be genuine and active. Candidates are requested to only respond to projects they are suited for.


You can find yourself a new contracting job by searching with specific entries (such as position, knowledge or location) or just checking the latest entries regularly. Becoming a free member makes it even easier to find a new job.


IT-Contracts.nl is known among IT professionals as the best place to look for a new job. Adding a job to our database takes five minutes at the utmost and results in quick responses from candidates who are available immediately (or at a very short notice). High and qualitative good responsrates! Browsing through our CV-database is an ever quicker option to find the right candidate. Because our business model is as simple as our website we can offer our services for very competitive rates. Check the advertise pages or contact us for rates and possibility.